Saturday, February 13, 2010

We went to see Bill Cosby at the U last night. He was great. His show was 2 hours and 15 minutes long and we laughed the whole time. He hasn't lost his ability to tell stories and get the audience to laugh. It was really fun. Craig and I drove separately because he came from work and I just met him down there. I made a wrong turn out of the parking lot and ended up touring the parking lots of the U of U Hospital and even their power plant. But luckily I just kept going and eventually came to a road I recognized. I did arrive home safely and at the same time as Craig (I left almost a half hour ahead of him because he had to walk to his car and get out of his parking lot). However, alls well that ends well.

Craig sent me beautiful roses at school for valentine's week. Everyone in the office was jealous. He takes really good care of me. Ellbie liked them too.
Ellbie got her hair cut today and gussied up for Valentine's Day. Yes I agree. It is sick when you talk about your dog on your blog.

It was a beautiful Saturday afternoon and we decided to go snowshoeing. We went to one of our favorite places up above Francis. It was really fun. Saturday night we went out to dinner and a show with Ben and Maggie which was really fun too.Of course I don't have pictures of that. Ben and Maggie stayed overnight and played Mario Kart. They were both a heck of a lot better than I am. As you can see, Craig enjoyed the competition.(Sorry Ben and Maggie- it's not a real great picture.)

1 comment:

Maggie Diamond said...

no thats not a great picture! AH! Cute pictures! Im glad you guys had fun at Billy Cosby last night! 2 1/2 weeks and counting!! Vegas here we come!